$10mn AI Mathematical Olympiad Prize Launches
Date: 2023/12/01Last Updated: 2023-12-01T23:43:24.000Z
Categories: News
Tags: Math, Competitions
Read Time: 1 minutes
XTX Markets is launching a new $10mn challenge fund, the Artificial Intelligence Mathematical Olympiad Prize (AI-MO Prize). The fund intends to spur the development of AI models that can reason mathematically, leading to the creation of a publicly-shared AI model capable of winning a gold medal in the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO).
The grand prize of $5mn will be awarded to the first publicly-shared AI model to enter an AI-MO approved competition and perform at a standard equivalent to a gold medal in the IMO.
There will also be a series of progress prizes, totalling up to $5mn, for publicly-shared AI models that achieve key milestones towards the grand prize.
The AI-MO Prize [..] will help compare different AI problem solving strategies at a technical level, in a manner that will be accessible and appealing to the broader public.
Terence Tao, UCLA
I am sure that many people will be following the AI-MO Prize with great excitement, to see when, in the future, AI will match the world's brightest young minds.
Gregor Dolinar, IMO President